Book Presentation: “Der Streitfall. Wie die Demokratie nach Deutschland kam und wie wir sie neu beleben”

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Together with Professor Friedrich Kießling, a historian at the University of Bonn, Professor Christoph Safferling has published a new book with the title: “Der Streitfall. Wie die Demokratie nach Deutschland kam und wie wir sie neu beleben”.

Global democracy appears to undergo a crisis, including in Germany. It is thus important to reiterate one’s own democratic roots, the origin of which dates back much further than 1949. A culture of political debate is a part of democracy. Even in the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany, there were heated discussions taking place, and simultaneously, the foundation for a stable democracy was created. To read about this and a lot more:


The book presentation will take place in Munich on April 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Munich Law Library and in Nuremberg on May 13 at 6 p.m. at the “Literaturhaus”.